Planting Seeds for Creative Growth

About The Garden


And welcome to the Garden of Edun. My name is Dami, and I will be your tour guide for this seemingly infinite journey, leading you through this piece of land as we progressively take in the range of views the garden has to offer across its 3 main regions.

The first region of the garden is ‘Fiction’. It is well known that the inhabitants of the garden are creative and love the art of storytelling, inspired hugely by their obsession with the varying experiences they have witnessed on planet Earth. The land has been cultivated to portray these.

‘Football’ is the next section, as the inhabitants of the garden are avid followers of the popular Earth sport and as such, have dedicated parts of the garden to show their appreciation of this art form. Controversial views for some, but as the humans say, it’s a game of opinions.



Alas, the final segment of the garden is reserved for ‘Fitness’. Because of the vast size of the garden, and it’s ever increasing capacity, the inhabitants cover a lot of ground to maintain it and as a result they have created this area as space to show onlookers what their collective experience with the world of health and fitness, however glamourous that may be.

Now, it is not uncommon for random fruits and plants to develop and grow en route through the garden, and as your trusty tour guide, I will bring them to your attention when these exciting developments arise.

So if you’re ready, let’s begin 🙂