Planting Seeds for Creative Growth


The <del>Book</del> Block of Daniel – Chapter 5

The Book Block of Daniel – Chapter 5

A moment of silence and stillness followed, as though the entire universe had come to a halt as a result of the landing…………. Suddenly, a dosage of panic flooded into the room as Daniel arose! Panting heavily, trying to assess his whereabouts, he came to […]

The <del>Book</del> Block of Daniel – Chapter 4

The Book Block of Daniel – Chapter 4

Daniel tried to tell his legs to run, but the overwhelming fear drowned out those instructions. Oxymoronically, he was frozen as he could feel the ferocity of his heartbeat, like his organ was trying to escape his chest. Before Daniel’s brain could even begin to […]

The <del>Book</del> Block of Daniel – Chapter 3

The Book Block of Daniel – Chapter 3

The group of unfamiliar boys growingly crowded around Daniel, causing his throat to tighten up and butterflies flutter in his stomach. Trying to peek past the ensuing crowd, he couldn’t spot Jerome anywhere. “Wow, how could my boy snake me like that? Why would he […]

The <del>Book</del> Block of Daniel – Chapter 2

The Book Block of Daniel – Chapter 2

There was a slight pause, as Daniel spent a few milliseconds with a puzzled look at the figure that was presented before him. Then, in an instant, his face seemed to find some calmness. “Man like Jerome.” they spudded, “Damn, your knuckles are dry!” said […]

The <del>Book</del> Block of Daniel – Chapter 1

The Book Block of Daniel – Chapter 1

It was a mild autumn day, the darkness of the sky was slowly pierced by the rising of the sun, which set its light upon the Temple Way Estate. The tattered blinds in a particular room on the estate had little resistance against the fiery […]